NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC)

Enabling researchers and data users to better understand how changes in the cryosphere impact our planet.

Data Updates

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The IceBridge KT19 IR Surface Temperature, Version 2 data set is now available at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). This data set contains surface temperature measurements of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice and land ice acquired by the Heitronics KT19.85 Series II Infrared Radiation Pyrometer operated by the Wallops Flight Facility (WFF) as part of the ATM instrument suite.

Multiple High Mountain Asia Regional Climate Model Simulations data sets are now available at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). These data sets contain modeled data in the High Mountain Asia region, generated by the Coupled-Ocean-Atmosphere-Waves-Sediment Transport (COAWST) modeling system in 1-hour, 6-hour, daily, and monthly snapshots.

The NSIDC DAAC provides access to documentation and these data sets from the following locations:

The SMAPVEX19-21 Massachusetts and Millbrook Temporary Soil Moisture Network, Version 1 data sets, accessible through the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC), have been updated from a basic to a standard level of service.

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The SnowEx20 Laser Snow Microstructure Specific Surface Area Data, Version 1, data set is now available at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). This data set contains vertical profiles of snow reflectance, specific surface area (SSA), and spherical equivalent snow grain diameter measurements. Data were collected during the SnowEx 2020 Grand Mesa, Colorado Intensive Observation Period between 27 January and 12 February 2020.

The IceBridge LDEO Gravimeter Suite L1B Geolocated Free Air Gravity Anomalies, Version 1 data set has been updated to include 2019 Antarctic campaign data, from 23 October 2019 through 20 November 2019, at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). This data set contains gravity measurements taken over Greenland and Antarctica by the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) Gravimeter Suite.

The ATLAS/ICESat-2 L3B Annual Land Ice Height, Version 1 (ATL11) data set from the Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) mission is now available at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). This data contains surface height estimates both for crossovers and for along-track reference points between crossovers.

The LVIS L1A Geotagged Images, Version 1 data set is now available at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). This data set contains geotagged images collected from 21 May 2019 through 08 August 2019 over the United States, Western Canada, and Central America. The images were taken by two NASA Digital Mapping Cameras which were mounted alongside the Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS), an airborne lidar scanning laser altimeter.

The MEaSUREs Northern Hemisphere Polar EASE-Grid 2.0 Daily 6 km Land Freeze/Thaw Status from AMSRE and AMSR2, Version 1 data set, accessible from the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC), has been updated. The daily binary files from 01 January 2017 to 31 December 2017 have been replaced with updated versions due to the discovery of bad PER FT values in the original files.

The ATLAS/ICESat-2 L3B Daily and Monthly Gridded Sea Ice Freeboard, Version 1 (ATL20) data set from the Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) mission is now available at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). This data contains daily and monthly gridded estimates of sea ice freeboard height, derived from along-track freeboard height estimates in the ATLAS/ICESat-2 L3A Sea Ice Freeboard product (ATL10).

The MODIS/Aqua CGF Snow Cover Daily L3 Global 500m SIN Grid, Version 6.1 data set is now available at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). This data set contains daily cloud-free snow cover derived from the MODIS/Aqua Snow Cover Daily L3 Global 500m SIN Grid data set (MYD10A1). Data are provided on 10° x 10° tiles projected to the 500 m sinusoidal grid.

Data set DOI:

The AfriSAR LVIS L1A Geotagged Images, Version 1 data set is now available at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). This data set contains geotagged images collected over Gabon, Africa from 20 February 2016 through 8 March 2016. The images were taken by the NASA Digital Mapping Camera paired with the Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS), an airborne lidar scanning laser altimeter.

The MEaSUREs Greenland Ice Velocity: Selected Glacier Site Velocity Maps from Optical Images, Version 3 data set, accessible from the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC), has been revised. Version 3 of this data set was inadvertently released with version 2 data files for the period 01 January 2016 to 31 December 2018. These files were replaced with the correct version on 12 October 2020.

The IceBridge Narrow Swath ATM L1B Elevation and Return Strength with Waveforms, Version 1 data set has been updated to include data from the 2019 Arctic summer campaign, from 04 September 2019 through 14 September 2019, at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). This data set contains spot elevation measurements with corresponding waveforms of Greenland, Arctic, and Antarctic sea ice.

The IceBridge ATM L1B Elevation and Return Strength with Waveforms, Version 1 data set has been updated to include data from the 2019 Arctic summer campaign, from 04 September 2019 through 14 September 2019, at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC).

The IceBridge ATM L2 Icessn Elevation, Slope, and Roughness, Version 2 data set has been updated to include data from the 2019 Arctic summer campaign, from 04 September 2019 through 14 September 2019, at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC).This data set contains resampled and smoothed elevation measurements of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice, and Greenland, Antarctic Peninsula, and West Antarctic region land ice surface acquired using the NASA Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM)

The IceBridge ATM L1B Elevation and Return Strength, Version 2 data set has been updated to include data from the 2019 Arctic summer campaign, from 04 September 2019 through 14 September 2019, at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). This data set contains spot elevation measurements of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice, and Greenland, Antarctic Peninsula, and West Antarctic region ice surface acquired by the NASA Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM) instrumentation.

The IceBridge Narrow Swath ATM L1B Elevation and Return Strength, Version 2 data set has been updated to include data from the 2019 Arctic summer campaign, from 04 September 2019 through 14 September 2019, at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). This data set contains spot elevation measurements of Greenland, Arctic, and Antarctic sea ice acquired using the NASA Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM) narrow-swath instrumentation.

The IceBridge ATM L1B Near-Infrared Waveforms, Version 1 data set has been updated to include data from the 2019 Arctic summer campaign, from 04 September 2019 through 14 September 2019, at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). This data set contains geolocated waveforms of Greenland, Arctic, and Antarctic sea ice measured by the Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM) near-infrared (NIR) lidar.

The DMSP SSM/I-SSMIS Pathfinder Daily EASE-Grid Brightness Temperatures, Version 2 data set, accessible through the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC), has been updated through 31 August 2020. This data set contains gridded data from the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) and the Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSMIS) in three equal-area projections: Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, and full global.

The DMSP SSM/I-SSMIS Daily Polar Gridded Brightness Temperatures, Version 5 data set, accessible through the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC), has been updated through 31 August 2020. This data set contains daily gridded brightness temperatures derived from passive microwave sensors and distributed in a polar stereographic projection.