Data Announcements

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The Images of the Antarctic Ice Shelves tool as well as the Images of Antarctic Ice Shelves, Version 1 data set, accessible through the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC) will be retired on 31 May 2023. Images of Antarctic Ice Shelves, Version 1 data has been incorporated into the Images of the Antarctic Ice Shelves, Version 2 data set.
Temporal updates for the MEaSUREs Greenland Image Mosaics from Sentinel-1A and -1B, Version 4 and MEaSUREs Greenland 6 and 12 day Ice Sheet Velocity Mosaics from SAR, Version 2 data sets are now available through the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). The temporal coverage for both the image mosaics and 6 and 12 day velocity mosaics data now spans from 01 January 2015 to 17 February 2023.
The SMAPVEX19-22 Massachusetts Temporary Soil Moisture Network, Version 1, and SMAPVEX19-22 Millbrook Temporary Soil Moisture Network, Version 1 data sets, accessible through the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC), have been updated to include data through 31 October 2021.
The ICESat L4 Seasonal Gridded Sea Ice Thickness, Version 1 data set is now available at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC).
Multilayer Greenland Ice Surface Temperature, Surface Albedo, and Water Vapor from MODIS, Version 1, accessible through the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC), has been updated to include ice surface temperature (IST) data through 31 August 2021. This multilayer data set includes standard MODIS Collection 6.1 ice surface temperature (IST) and derived melt map, as well as MODIS Collection 6.0 albedo and water vapor for Greenland, at a spatial resolution of 0.78 km.
The SnowEx20 Time Series Snow Pit Measurements, Version 1 data set is now available at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). This data set is a time-series of snow pit measurements obtained by the SnowEx community during between October 2019 and May 2020. Data were collected from snow pits in California, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, and Utah, USA.  Also available are photos of the field notes and snow pit sites.
As of 14 April 2023, weekly updating of the U.S. National Ice Center Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Concentration and Climatologies in Gridded Format, Version 1 data set is suspended. The U.S. NIC has temporarily suspended production of the weekly charts that are the input data for this data set. We will send out a further notice when production of these charts resumes. Data set DOI:
As of 14 April 2023, weekly updating of the U.S. National Ice Center Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Charts in SIGRID-3 Format, Version 1 data set is suspended. The U.S. NIC has temporarily suspended production of these weekly charts. We will send out a further notice when production of these charts resumes. Date set DOI:
Regarding the Sea Ice Index, Version 3 data set accessible through the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), the daily and monthly GeoTIFF files for the period 01 January 2021 to present are in a slightly different projection. The GeoTIFFs for 01 January 2021 to present are in the WGS 84 / NSIDC Sea Ice Polar Stereographic North or South projections (EPSG: 3413 and EPSG:3976) which use the WGS 1984 ellipsoid as the datum.
Temporal updates for the MEaSUREs Greenland Image Mosaics from Sentinel-1A and -1B, Version 4 and MEaSUREs Greenland 6 and 12 day Ice Sheet Velocity Mosaics from SAR, Version 2 data sets are now available through the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). The temporal coverage for both the image mosaics and 6 and 12 day velocity mosaics data now spans from 01 January 2015 to 24 January 2023.
The Bootstrap Sea Ice Concentrations from Nimbus-7 SMMR and DMSP SSM/I-SSMIS, Version 3 data set, accessible through the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC), has been updated to include new data through 31 December 2022. This data set consists of daily and monthly sea ice concentrations derived from brightness temperature measurements. This data set is available for the north and south polar regions, with a temporal coverage extending back to 1 November 1978.
The Near-Real-Time DMSP SSM/I-SSMIS Daily Polar Gridded Brightness Temperatures, Version 1 data set, will be retired from the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC) on 30 April 2023. Upon retirement, data will no longer be accessible. All related documentation will remain available on the data set web page for future reference.
Images of Antarctic Ice Shelves, Version 2 (NSIDC-0102), accessible through the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC), has been updated to include MODIS imagery through February 2023. This data set was created to monitor major ice streams and outlet glaciers along the Antarctic coast, with a focus on the ice shelves most susceptible to rapid change due to climatic warming and those that occasionally calve major icebergs.
Version 001 of the ATLAS/ICESat-2 L3B Gridded Antarctic and Arctic Land Ice Height (ATL14) and ATLAS/ICESat-2 L3B Gridded Antarctic and Arctic Land Ice Height Change (ATL15) data sets, will be retired from the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC) on 4 May 2023.
The MEaSUREs Greenland Quarterly Ice Sheet Velocity Mosaics from SAR and Landsat, Version 4 and MEaSUREs Greenland Monthly Ice Sheet Velocity Mosaics from SAR and Landsat, Version 4 data sets will be retired from the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC) on April 24, 2023.
The Sea Ice Concentrations from Nimbus-7 SMMR and DMSP SSM/I-SSMIS Passive Microwave Data, Version 2 data set, available from the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC), has been updated through 31 December 2022. This data set is generated from brightness temperature data and is designed to provide a consistent time series of sea ice concentrations spanning the coverage of several passive microwave instruments.
Users of MODIS Terra and Aqua data from the NASA National Snow and Ice Data DAAC should be aware that a Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Request for Information (RFI) was released on March 1, 2023 by the NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES). This RFI seeks input from the science community that will be considered in the development and implementation of a Terra, Aqua, and Aura (T/A/A) data continuity workshop planned for May 23-25, 2023.  
The Bootstrap Sea Ice Concentrations from Nimbus-7 SMMR and DMSP SSM/I-SSMIS, Version 3 data set, accessible through the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC), has been updated to include new data through 30 September 2022. This data set consists of daily and monthly sea ice concentrations derived from brightness temperature measurements. This data set is available for the north and south polar regions, with a temporal coverage extending back to 1 November 1978.
The LVIS Facility L1B Geolocated Return Energy Waveforms, Version 1 data set, accessible through the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC), has been updated to include data over Greenland for April and July 2022. This data set contains Level-1B geolocated return energy waveforms collected by the NASA Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS) Facility, an airborne lidar scanning laser altimeter.
Version 005 of the ATLAS/ICESat-2 expedited latency “quick look” data sets (ATL07QL, ATL08QL, ATL09QL, ATL10QL, and ATL13QL) will be retired from the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC) on 20 April 2023.