Citation Policies

You may download and use photographs, imagery, or text from our web site, unless limitations for its use are specifically stated. Please credit the National Snow and Ice Data Center as described below.

Citing NSIDC scientific data

As a condition of use, NSIDC requests that authors include a data citation in the reference section of your publication and/or other media to acknowledge those who have created the data set. In addition, you should cite the data product within the text of the publication to allow the data products to be discovered and re-used by others. Formal citations also make it easier for us to track the use and impact of our data; and helps us report data distribution activity to funding agencies.

  • Bibliographic citations in the references section should include the following elements:
    • Author(s) or project name(s)
    • Date published
    • Title of data product
    • Version number
    • Bracketed description type (For NSIDC datasets, the resource type is [Dataset])
    • Repository name
    • DOI, persistent identifier, URL
    • Retrieved date (required when using URL)
    • Indicating subset: When applicable, include the information a reader would need to extract the same subset at the end of your citation. If multiple or complex steps were involved, it may be more appropriate to include this information in the paper itself. 
  • The data product's data citation, styled in a standard publication format, is provided on each data set landing page and user guide. You can also contact NSIDC User Services if you need assistance with a citation format.

Tell us about your research

If possible, please e-mail NSIDC User Services about your papers or oral presentations based on data products acquired from NSIDC. Such action will help us to stay informed regarding how NSIDC data products are being used. We also frequently publish data spotlight articles about research using the data.

Use and credits of photographs and satellite images

You may download and use photographs and satellite imagery on this site free of charge, with proper credit. Photos and imagery may have different copyright restrictions and credits. Unless otherwise specified, you may use our photographs and imagery for commercial purposes; however, you may not re-sell them. Note that many images on the site include a caption and specific credit information.

Crediting photographs and images:

  • General credit format: "Image/photo courtesy of the National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado, Boulder."
  • When a photographer is named: "Photo courtesy T. Scambos/National Snow and Ice Data Center"
  • Satellite image: Please credit the agency and satellite instrument. Example: "Imagery from the NASA MODIS instrument, courtesy NASA NSIDC DAAC."

If you need additional help, please contact NSIDC User Services.