NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC)

Enabling researchers and data users to better understand how changes in the cryosphere impact our planet.

Data Updates

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NSIDC is pleased to announce that the "DMSP SSM/I-SSMIS Daily Polar Gridded Brightness Temperatures" data set has been updated through 31 May 2014. For more information and to access the new data, see the documentation for this data set.

NASA IceBridge Sander AIRGrav L1B Geolocated Free Air Gravity Anomalies data for 2013 Antarctica, and replacement data for all previous campaigns, are now available from NSIDC. See the IceBridge Sander AIRGrav L1B catalog page for more information.

NASA IceBridge CMG GT-1A Gravimeter L2 Geolocated Free Air Gravity Disturbances data for 2012 Antarctica are now available from NSIDC. See the IceBridge CMG GT-1A Gravimeter L2 catalog page for more information.

NASA IceBridge BGM-3 Gravimeter L1B Time-Tagged Accelerations data for pre-IceBridge 2008 campaigns are now available from NSIDC. See the IceBridge BGM-3 Gravimeter L1B catalog page for more information.

NSIDC is pleased to announce that the Sea Ice Concentrations from Nimbus-7 SMMR and DMSP SSM/I-SSMIS Passive Microwave Data data set has been updated through December 2013.

NASA IceBridge KT19 IR Surface Temperature data for 2013 Antarctica are now available from NSIDC. See the IceBridge KT19 IR Surface Temperature catalog page for more information.

NASA IceBridge Narrow Swath ATM L1B Elevation and Return Strength data for 2013 Antarctica are now available from NSIDC. See the IceBridge Narrow Swath ATM L1B catalog page for more information.

NASA IceBridge ATM L2 Icessn Elevation, Slope, and Roughness data for 2013 Antarctica are now available from NSIDC. See the IceBridge ATM L2 catalog page for more information.

NASA IceBridge ATM L1B Elevation and Return Strength data for 2013 Antarctica are now available from NSIDC. See the IceBridge ATM L1B Elevation and Return Strength catalog page for more information.

Version 2 of the CryoSat-2 Sea Ice Freeboard, Thickness, and Snow Depth Quick Look 2014 product is now available from NSIDC. This update fixes an error in the sea ice concentration land mask which was present in the previous version. To access the data, see the CryoSat-2 Sea Ice Freeboard, Thickness, and Snow Depth Quick Look summary page.

NSIDC would like to announce a change to data access for the “Near-Real-Time SSM/I-SSMIS EASE-Grid Daily Global Ice Concentration and Snow Extent, Version 4 (NISE)” data set. Data access through our primary portal will remain the same at The secondary access point at ftp:/ /nise has been removed. Please update any bookmarks you may have to the secondary access point to link to the primary one. We expect that this will only affect a small number of data users.

NASA IceBridge LVIS POS/AV L1B Corrected Position and Attitude Data for 2013 Greenland are now available from NSIDC. For documentation, and to access the data, see the IceBridge LVIS POS/AV L1B catalog page.

NSIDC is pleased to announce that the Bootstrap Sea Ice Concentrations from Nimbus-7 SMMR and DMSP SSM/I-SSMIS, Version 2 Data Set has been updated to include data through 31 December 2013. For more information and to access the new data, visit the data set's data set landing page.

The CryoSat-2 Sea Ice Freeboard, Thickness, and Snow Depth Quick Look 2014 product is now available from NSIDC. To access the data, see the CryoSat-2 Sea Ice Freeboard, Thickness, and Snow Depth Quick Look summary page.

NASA IceBridge DMS L1B Geolocated and Orthorectified Images for 2013 Antarctica are now available from NSIDC. For documentation, and to access the data, see the IceBridge DMS L1B Geolocated and Orthorectified Images catalog page.

NASA IceBridge CMG 1A Dynamic Gravity Meter Time-Tagged Level-1B Vertical Accelerations replacement data are now available at NSIDC. For information on the replacement data, refer to the IceBridge collection. To access the data and documentation, see the CMG 1A Vertical Accelerations data catalog page.

NASA IceBridge Sea Ice Freeboard, Snow Depth, and Thickness Quick Look evaluation product data for Arctic 2014 are now available from NSIDC. To access the data, see the IceBridge Sea Ice Freeboard, Snow Depth, and Thickness Quick Look summary.

NSIDC would like to announce a change to data access for the Near-Real-Time SSM/I-SSMIS EASE-Grid Daily Global Ice Concentration and Snow Extent, Version 4 (NISE) data set. Data access through our primary portal will remain the same at We will be removing the secondary access point at beginning 31 May 2014. We expect that this will only affect a small number of data users.

The NASA IceBridge Merged Photon Counting Lidar/Profiler L4 Surface Slope and Elevations data set is now available from NSIDC. For documentation, and to access the data, see the IceBridge Lidar/Profiler L4 Surface Slope and Elevations data catalog page.

The NASA IceBridge ATM L4 Surface Elevation Rate of Change data set is now available from NSIDC. For documentation, and to access the data, see the IceBridge ATM L4 Surface Elevation Rate of Change landing page. Data Set DOI: