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The Sea Ice Concentrations from Nimbus-7 SMMR and DMSP SSM/I-SSMIS Passive Microwave Data are distributed in gridded binary format. NSIDC provides IDL routines to ingest and read the data.
This external R tutorial guides you through an R script for the NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record of Passive Microwave Sea Ice Concentration data in PolarWatch: It covers the following topics:
This step-by-step tutorial demonstrates how to access MODIS and SMAP data using the Application for Extracting and Exploring Analysis Ready Samples (AppEEARS). AppEEARS allows users to access, explore, and download point and area data with spatial, temporal, and parameter subsets. Interactive visualizations with summary statistics of the sample results allow the user to preview and interact with their sample before downloading the data. NSIDC DAAC data sets available in AppEEARS include:
If you need to use data from Daily 4km Gridded SWE and Snow Depth from Assimilated In-Situ and Modeled Data over the Conterminous US, Version 1 in a GIS (e.g. ArcMap, QGIS), we suggest converting the NetCDFs to GeoTIFFs first. We recommend using the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) to do this, and instructions for downloading and installing GDAL can be found here:
The following are instructions on how to import and geolocate SMAP Level-1C HDF5 data in ENVI. Testing notes Software: ENVI Software version: 5.3 and above. If using version 5.3, service pack 5.3.1 is needed.  Platform: Windows 7 Data set: SMAP L1C Radiometer Half-Orbit 36 km EASE-Grid Brightness Temperatures (SPL1CTB) Data set version: 2 Date tested: 12/14/15
The following are instructions on how to import and geolocate SMAP Level-3 Radiometer Soil Moisture HDF5 data in ENVI. Testing notes Software: ENVI Software version: 5.3 Platform: Windows 7 Data set: SMAP L3 Radiometer Global Daily 36 km EASE-Grid Soil Moisture (SPL3SMP) Data set version: 2 Date tested: 12/17/15
This article describes the actions to perform in order to work with NSIDC-0611 in ArcGIS. At the time of writing, this tutorial is relevant for ArcMap10.5 and earlier. The following steps will show you how to prepare the binary files for import, format conversion, and geolocation/projection.
This short article explains where to find Global Monthly EASE-Grid SWE data products and then how to import them into ArcGIS. The global, monthly SWE EASE-Grid products can be found here: Global Monthly EASE-Grid Snow Water Equivalent Climatology, Version 1 (NSIDC-0271)
This article describes the process for importing IMS ASCII data, in 1, 4, and 24km resolutions into ArcGIS using ArcMap v10.5. The data product is called IMS Daily Northern Hemisphere Snow and Ice Analysis at 1 km, 4 km, and 24 km Resolutions (G02156). Note that there are both packed and unpacked versions of the 24km resolution data.
This How to guide outlines the steps for properly importing, projecting and visualizing HDF and NetCDF files in ArcMap. A couple of things to note before you start: It is only relevant to ESRI ArcMap 10.5 and later versions. If you are running ArcMap 10.4.1 there is a patch you can download. If you are working in older versions of ArcMap then please note there is a workaround for SMAP data sets, further details at the bottom of this article.
This article describes the actions to perform in order work with NSIDC-0116 in ArcGIS. At the time of writing, this tutorial is relevant for ArcMap10.5 and earlier. The following steps will show you how to prepare the binary files for import, format conversion, geolocation/projection, and display options for gridded vectors.
Directions for Importing Bamber Greenland DEM, Ice Thickness (thick_5km_corrected), and / or Bedrock Thickness (bed_5km_corrected) into ArcGIS.  In this example, we'll bring the Bamber Greenland DEM (surface_5km_corrected) into ArcGIS, but the same methodology applies for importing the Ice Thickness (thick_5km_corrected), or Bedrock Thickness (bed_5km_corrected) files into ArcGIS. Data product: Greenland 5 km DEM, Ice Thickness, and Bedrock Elevation Grids
These are directions for importing the grnlnd_dem_wgs84.dat (a flat binary with a 2-byte integer) into ArcGIS.
SMAP Ancillary data sets are used to produce SMAP Level-1, -2, -3, and -4 standard data products. Several of these ancillary data sets are produced by external organizations, such as NOAA, the NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO), and NASA Land Data Assimilation Systems (LDAS).
There are two tricky steps in reading binary data in FORTRAN. First you must open the file with the proper mode, then you must correctly read and interpret the data values. There is no one correct way to do either of these steps. It often takes a fair bit of trial and error to get it right. It is therefore essential that you have test data to read with documented examples of known values.
There are python scripts available for reading and quickly visualizing the daily and monthly snow depth and snow water equivalent ASCII files from the Canadian Meteorological Center (CMC) Daily Snow Depth Analysis Data. They are available from the following GitHub repository, which includes further details on how to use the scripts:
There are MATLAB and Python scripts available for interpolating the BedMachine Antarctica parameters onto user-defined latitude and longitude. They are available from the following GitHub repository, which includes further details on how to use the scripts:
If you need to reproject the IMS 1 km or 4 km GeoTIFFs to geographic latitude/longitude, we recommend using the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL). Instructions for downloading and installing it can be found here: Below are instructions for using GDAL directly in the command line or in a python script.
The "Snow Depth and Snow Cover Data Exploration” Jupyter Notebook provides Python code to access and compare coincident snow data across in-situ, airborne, and satellite platforms from NASA's SnowEx, ASO, and MODIS data sets, respectively. Please see the NSIDC-Data-Tutorials GitHub repository ( for more information on how to access and run the Jupyter Notebook.
There are external Jupyter notebooks available that can be used to download user-defined spatial subsets of the following MEaSUREs GrIMP products: