Data Announcement

U.S.-Russia Environmental Data Exchange Workshop

NOAA@NSIDC Liaison Florence Fetterer and WDC for Glaciology, Boulder, Director Roger Barry took part in the U.S.-Russia environmental data exchange workshop under the NOAA@NSIDC-Rosydromet MoU, held at the All Russian Institute for Hydrometeorological Information (RIHMI) in Obninsk, Russia. Highlights included demonstration of an impressive online system for handling Russian IPY expedition data by the WDC for Oceanography in Obninsk, and plans for updating and exchanging complementary snow station data and satellite derived snow data. NCDC’s Karsten Shein led the U.S. group. Dale Kaiser, with the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, and Steve Worley, head of NCAR's Data Support Section, took part as well.