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As climate changes, how do Earth's frozen areas affect our planet and impact society?
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Mankoff K (2020) Difference between this manuscript and the previous version doi: 10.5194/essd-2019-240-ac1
Mankoff KD; Noel B; Fettweis X; Ahlstrom AP; Colgan W; Kondo K; Langley K; Sugiyama S; van As D; Fausto RS (2020) Greenland liquid water discharge from 1958 through 2019 Earth System Science Data 12 (4) 2811-2841, doi: 10.5194/essd-12-2811-2020
Notz D; Doerr J; Bailey DA; Blockley E; Bushuk M; Debernard JB; Dekker E; DeRepentigny P; Docquier D; Fuckar NS (2020) Arctic Sea Ice in CMIP6 Geophysical Research Letters 47 (10) doi: 10.1029/2019GL086749
Deschamps-Berger C; Gascoin S; Berthier E; Deems J; Gutmann E; Dehecq A; Shean D; Dumont M (2020) Snow depth mapping from stereo satellite imagery in mountainous terrain: evaluation using airborne laser-scanning data The Cryosphere 14 (9) 2925-2940, doi: 10.5194/tc-14-2925-2020
Olnes J; Crawford J; Citta JJ; Druckenmiller ML; Von Duyke AL; Quakenbush L (2020) Movement, diving, and haul-out behaviors of juvenile bearded seals in the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort seas, 2014-2018 Polar Biology 43 (9) 1307-1320, doi: 10.1007/s00300-020-02710-6
Mendoza PA; Musselman KN; Revuelto J; Deems JS; Lopez-Moreno JI; McPhee J (2020) Interannual and Seasonal Variability of Snow Depth Scaling Behavior in a Subalpine Catchment Water Resources Research 56 (7) doi: 10.1029/2020WR027343
Gregory W; Tsamados M; Stroeve J; Sollich P (2020) Regional September Sea Ice Forecasting with Complex Networks and Gaussian Processes Weather and Forecasting 35 (3) 793-806, doi: 10.1175/WAF-D-19-0107.1
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