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As climate changes, how do Earth's frozen areas affect our planet and impact society?

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NASA is moving their Earth science data over to the Earthdata Cloud, a commercial cloud environment hosted in Amazon Web Services. This illustration reflects that move
As NASA moves their Earth science data over to the Earthdata Cloud, a commercial cloud environment hosted in Amazon Web Services, the NASA Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) are shoring up resources to help users adopt a cloud-based workflow as smoothly as possible. One such resource is the NASA Earthdata Cloud Cookbook, a learning-oriented resource to support scientific researchers who use NASA Earth data as NASA migrates data to the cloud.
Antarctic sea ice extent NASA Blue Marble Image from September 10, 2023
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Antarctic sea ice has likely reached its maximum extent for the year, at 16.96 million square kilometers (6.55 million square miles) on September 10, according to scientists at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) at the University of Colorado Boulder. The 2023 maximum is the lowest in the 45-year satellite record.
Arctic sea ice extent, September 19, 2023
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Arctic sea ice has likely reached its minimum extent for the year, at 4.23 million square kilometers (1.63 million square miles) on September 19, 2023, according to scientists at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) at the University of Colorado Boulder. The 2023 minimum is ranked sixth lowest in the nearly 45-year satellite record.