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ATLAS/ICESat-2 L3A Along Track Inland Surface Water Data Quick Look, Version 6
Data set id:
DOI: 10.5067/ATLAS/ATL13QL.006
This is the most recent version of these data.
Version Summary
Changes for Version 6 are as follows:

  • Modified the computations of the deconvolution of subsurface backscatter profile and deconvolution of surface water profile

  • Expanded iteration range of subsurface parameters within deconvolution scheme and added quality flags

  • Added surface quality flags

  • Defined end of partial short segments as the final signal photon

  • To avoid inadvertently capturing subsurface photons associated with bottom reflection and machine error, such photons are further screened and removed from processing using a mirroring approach applied to the water surface

  • Replaced “crossing-number” algorithm with “winding number” algorithm for better determination of ICESat-2 transects within the inland water mask shapes


ATL13QL is the quick look version of ATL13. Once final ATL13 files are available the corresponding ATL13QL files will be removed. ATL13 contains along-track surface water products for inland water bodies. Inland water bodies include lakes, reservoirs, rivers, bays, estuaries and a 7 km near-shore buffer. Principal data products include the along-track water surface height and standard deviation, subsurface signal (532 nm) attenuation, significant wave height, wind speed, and coarse depth to bottom topography (where data permit).
Data Format(s):
Temporal Coverage:
20 June 2024 to present
Temporal Resolution:
  • 91 day
Spatial Resolution:
  • Not Specified
Spatial Reference System(s):
WGS 84
Spatial Coverage:
Blue outlined yellow areas on the map below indicate the spatial coverage for this data set.

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