SCICEX Expendable Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth (XCTD) Data OVERVIEW These data were acquired in the Arctic Ocean during SCICEX 2000 and 2003 using Sippican Inc. XCTD probes. They are provided in two formats: the original (raw) Sippican export files (.edf) and processed matlab files (.mat). The .edf files are in ASCII text. The first 29 lines are header text that describe what probe was used, the date/time, sequence in the launch, and location. The data begin on the 30th line and are arranged in six columns separated by a space: depth (m), temperature (°C), conductivity (mS), salinity (ppt), sound velocity (m/s), and density (kg/m^3). The .mat files are matlab binary files created from the .edf files. They contain a structure of the data. DATA ORGANIZATION The data reside in year directories that indicate when the data were acquired: 2000 or 2003. Within the year directories, reside the directories edffiles and matfiles. The .edf and .mat files reside in these, respectively. The .edf files are named according to the following convention: CTDzzz.edf. Where zzz is the probes launch sequence number. The .mat files are named according to the following convention: sYYxctdzzz.mat. Where s stands for Sippican, YY is the 2-digit year, and zzz is the probes launch sequence number. DOWNLOADING DATA VIA FTP You may download data via your FTP program of choice. Our FTP server allows you to download a recursive set of directories with a single FTP command (tar-on-the-fly), simply by appending the .tar extension to a directory name in the FTP get command. For example, using a command-line FTP program, you can download all of the SCICEX XCTD files using the following commands: %ftp (login as anonymous, and use your e-mail address as password) ftp>cd /pub/DATASETS/NOAA/G02187/ ftp>get XCTD.tar This command will generate a tar file on your local disk containing everything under the subdirectory XCTD. In most Web browsers, you can also use the tar-on-the-fly capability by simply appending the .tar extension to the directory name in the FTP address. For example, to download all of the polar-stereo sea ice files, enter the following FTP address in your browser's location/address field: The browser should prompt for where to save the tar file. FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT INFORMATION User Services National Snow and Ice Data Center CIRES, 449 UCB University of Colorado Boulder, CO USA 80309-0449 Phone: +1 303-492-6199 Fax: +1 303-492-2468 E-mail: