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Our scientific data analysis articles are published during the winter and spring months of the snow season. Select an article below to learn more about how snow conditions have changed across time.

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SWE graph for four hydrologic basins
February 09, 2022
Snow-covered area was the second lowest in the 22-year satellite record. All western states and large river basins had below average snow cover. As of January 31, snow cover days hit a record low, surpassing the previous record low year of 2015.
Photo of Marshall Fire aftermath, December 31, 2021
January 13, 2022
Snow-covered area and snow cover days were the lowest in the 22-year satellite record. Dry, autumn conditions in Colorado prevailed with latest snow fall since 1882 contributing to a fire that burned a record number of homes in Colorado.
Snow-disappearance anomaly map and graph
June 09, 2021
Snow-covered area was well below average in May 2021. The number of snow cover days since October 1, 2020, is well below average. Every state in the West had below average snow cover in the month of May.
Snow-cover-days anomaly map, April 2021
May 11, 2021
Snow-covered area was below average in April 2021 with recent storms on the west coast pushing conditions closer to average. Snow cover days, cumulative over the season, are well below average for this water year, which spans from October 1, 2020 to present.
Map and graph of SWE changes
April 06, 2021
For snow water equivalent (SWE), the prevailing La Niña pattern persisted through March, with above average SWE in the north and below average SWE in the south. A blizzard in mid-March brought widespread and deep snow...
Graphs showing heavy snow in Nebraska
March 09, 2021
Snow-covered area in the western United States increased from 54 percent of average in January to 77 percent in February, and likely reached maximum coverage on February 17, two weeks later than average. Snow cover days increased significantly...