Data Announcement

What happened to the tar-on-the-fly functionality for the "Sea Ice Concentrations from Nimbus-7 SMMR and DMSP SSM/I-SSMIS Passive Microwave Data" data set?

This data set resides on an FTP server that was upgraded from WU-FTP to Pure-FTP in November 2015. Unfortunately, Pure-FTP does not support the tar-on-the-fly functionality that was offered by WU-FTP. We are still working to implement the necessary changes to documentation across our Web and FTP site. Some alternative methods for downloading data in bulk include:
  • Using a web browser add-on, such as DownThemAll! for Firefox
  • Using an FTP client, such as Cyberduck
  • Using the command, "mget *" in a command line interface to copy all files from a specific directory to your host
Note that while this question refers to a specific data set, this upgrade affects all data sets on the FTP server.