Data Announcement
  • Sea ice

New versions available: Multiple ICESat-2 L3B dataset version updates now available at the NSIDC DAAC

The ATLAS/ICESat-2 L3B Annual Land Ice Height, (ATL11), ATLAS/ICESat-2 L3B Weekly Gridded Atmosphere (ATL16), and ATLAS/ICESat-2 L3B Monthly Gridded Atmosphere (ATL17) data sets from the Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) mission have been updated to Version 3 at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). The ATLAS/ICESat-2 L3B Daily and Monthly Gridded Sea Ice Freeboard (ATL20) data set has been updated to Version 2.

Changes to these data set versions are available under the Version Summary on the data set’s web page, and in the Version History (Section 3) of each User Guide. For information about the ICESat-2 mission and data sets please visit the ICESat-2 mission web page at the NSIDC DAAC:

ATLAS/ICESat-2 L3B Annual Land Ice Height, Version 3 (ATL11)

ATLAS/ICESat-2 L3B Weekly Gridded Atmosphere, Version 3 (ATL16)

ATLAS/ICESat-2 L3B Monthly Gridded Atmosphere Product, Version 3 (ATL17)

ATLAS/ICESat-2 L3B Daily and Monthly Gridded Sea Ice Freeboard, Version 2 (ATL20)