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As climate changes, how do Earth's frozen areas affect our planet and impact society?
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Higgins, ME and JJ Cassano (2010) Response of Arctic 1000 hPa circulation to changes in horizontal resolution and sea ice forcing in the Community Atmospheric Model JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES 115 doi: 10.1029/2009jd013440
Elsner, MM, L Cuo, N Voisin, JS Deems, AF Hamlet, JA Vano, KEB Mickelson, SY Lee and DP Lettenmaier (2010) Implications of 21st century climate change for the hydrology of Washington State CLIMATIC CHANGE 102 (2) doi: 10.1007/s10584-010-9855-0
Joughin, I, BE Smith, IM Howat, T Scambos and T Moon (2010) Greenland flow variability from ice-sheet-wide velocity mapping JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY 56 (197) doi: 10.3189/002214310792447734
Weatherhead, E, S Gearheard and RG Barry (2010) Changes in weather persistence: Insight from Inuit knowledge GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE-HUMAN AND POLICY DIMENSIONS 20 (3) doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2010.02.002
Miller, GH, RB Alley, J Brigham-Grette, JJ Fitzpatrick, L Polyak, MC Serreze and JWC White (2010) Arctic amplification: can the past constrain the future? QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS 29 (15) doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.02.008
Polyak, L, RB Alley, JT Andrews, J Brigham-Grette, TM Cronin, DA Darby, AS Dyke, JJ Fitzpatrick, S Funder, M Holland, AE Jennings, GH Miller, M ORegan, J Savelle, M Serreze, K St John, JWC White and E Wolff (2010) History of sea ice in the Arctic QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS 29 (15) doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.02.010
Miller, GH, J Brigham-Grette, RB Alley, L Anderson, HA Bauch, MSV Douglas, ME Edwards, SA Elias, BP Finney, JJ Fitzpatrick, SV Funder, TD Herbert, LD Hinzman, DS Kaufman, GM MacDonald, L Polyak, A Robock, MC Serreze, JP Smol, R Spielhagen, JWC White, AP Wolfe and EW Wolff (2010) Temperature and precipitation history of the Arctic QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS 29 (15) doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.03.001
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