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As climate changes, how do Earth's frozen areas affect our planet and impact society?
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Prager S; Baker C; Baldwin D; Berk H; Betti R; Callen J; Chan V; Coppi B; Dahlburg J; Dean S (2001) Report of the FESAC panel on a burning plasma program strategy to advance fusion energy Journal of Fusion Energy 20 (3) 85-112, doi: 10.1023/A:1021398608479
Cassano, JJ and TR Parish (2000) An analysis of the nonhydrostatic dynamics in numerically simulated Antarctic katabatic flows JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES 57 (6) doi: 10.1175/1520-0469(2000)057<0891:aaotnd>2.0.co;2
Meier, WN, JA Maslanik and CW Fowler (2000) Error analysis and assimilation of remotely sensed ice motion within an Arctic sea ice model JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS 105 (0) doi: 10.1029/1999JC900268
Bishop, MP, JS Kargel, HH Kieffer, DJ MacKinnon, BH Raup and JF Shroder (2000) Remote-sensing science and technology for studying glacier processes in high Asia ANNALS OF GLACIOLOGY, VOL 31, 2000 31 doi: 10.3189/172756400781820147
Serreze, MC and CM Hurst (2000) Representation of mean Arctic precipitation from NCEP-NCAR and ERA reanalyses JOURNAL OF CLIMATE 13 (1) doi: 10.1175/1520-0442(2000)013<0182:ROMAPF>2.0.CO;2
Clark, MP and MC Serreze (2000) Effects of variations in east Asian snow cover on modulating atmospheric circulation over the north pacific ocean JOURNAL OF CLIMATE 13 (20) doi: 10.1175/1520-0442(2000)013<3700:EOVIEA>2.0.CO;2
McGuire, AD, JS Clein, JM Melillo, DW Kicklighter, RA Meier, CJ Vorosmarty and MC Serreze (2000) Modelling carbon responses of tundra ecosystems to historical and projected climate: sensitivity of pan-Arctic carbon storage to temporal and spatial variation in climate GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 6 doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2486.2000.06017.x
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