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As climate changes, how do Earth's frozen areas affect our planet and impact society?
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Granier, C, U Niemeier, JH Jungclaus, L Emmons, P Hess, JF Lamarque, S Walters and GP Brasseur (2006) Ozone pollution from future ship traffic in the Arctic northern passages GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 33 (13) doi: 10.1029/2006GL026180
Kingsmill, DE, PJ Neiman, FM Ralph and AB White (2006) Synoptic and topographic variability of northern California precipitation characteristics in landfalling winter storms observed during CALJET MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW 134 (8) doi: 10.1175/MWR3166.1
Stroeve, JC, JE Box and T Haran (2006) Evaluation of the MODIS (MOD10A1) daily snow albedo product over the Greenland ice sheet REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT 105 (2) doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2006.06.009
Yang, WZ, D Huang, B Tan, JC Stroeve, NV Shabanov, Y Knyazikhin, RR Nemani and RB Myneni (2006) Analysis of leaf area index and fraction of PAR absorbed by vegetation products from the terra MODIS sensor: 2000-2005 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING 44 (7) doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2006.871214
Cassano, EN, AH Lynch, JJ Cassano and MR Koslow (2006) Classification of synoptic patterns in the western Arctic associated with extreme events at Barrow, Alaska, USA CLIMATE RESEARCH 30 (2) doi: 10.3354/cr030083
Cassano, EN, AH Lynch, JJ Cassano and MR Koslow (2006) Classification of synoptic patterns in the western Arctic associated with extreme events at Barrow, Alaska, USA CLIMATE RESEARCH 30 (2) doi: 10.3354/cr030083
Box, JE, DH Bromwich, BA Veenhuis, LS Bai, JC Stroeve, JC Rogers, K Steffen, T Haran and SH Wang (2006) Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance variability (1988-2004) from calibrated polar MM5 output JOURNAL OF CLIMATE 19 (12) doi: 10.1175/JCLI3738.1
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