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As climate changes, how do Earth's frozen areas affect our planet and impact society?
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Nigro, MA, JJ Cassano and SL Knuth (2012) Evaluation of Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS) cyclone forecasts using infrared satellite imagery ANTARCTIC SCIENCE 24 (2) doi: 10.1017/S0954102011000745
Richardson, AD, RS Anderson, MA Arain, AG Barr, G Bohrer, GS Chen, JM Chen, P Ciais, KJ Davis, AR Desai, MC Dietze, D Dragoni, SR Garrity, CM Gough, R Grant, DY Hollinger, HA Margolis, H McCaughey, M Migliavacca, RK Monson, JW Munger, B Poulter, BM Raczka, DM Ricciuto, AK Sahoo, K Schaefer, HQ Tian, R Vargas, H Verbeeck, JF Xiao and YK Xue (2012) Terrestrial biosphere models need better representation of vegetation phenology: results from the North American Carbon Program Site Synthesis GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 18 (2) doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02562.x
Liu, L, K Schaefer, TJ Zhang and J Wahr (2012) Estimating 1992-2000 average active layer thickness on the Alaskan North Slope from remotely sensed surface subsidence JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-EARTH SURFACE 117 doi: 10.1029/2011JF002041
Walter B; Gromke C; Leonard KC; Manes C; Lehning M (2012) Spatio-Temporal Surface Shear-Stress Variability in Live Plant Canopies and Cube Arrays Boundary-Layer Meteorology: an international journal of physical and biological processes in the atmospheric boundary layer 143 (2) 337-356, doi: 10.1007/s10546-011-9690-5
Perovich DK; Eicken H; Meier W (2012) International coordination to improve studies of changes in Arctic sea ice cover Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 93 (12) 128-128, doi: 10.1029/2012eo120008
Hunke E; Meier W (2012) Polar boundary layer processes: Important factors for investigating biogeochemistry and climate Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 93 (44) 441-442, doi: 10.1029/2012eo440008
Moon T; Joughin I; Smith B; Howat I (2012) 21st-Century Evolution of Greenland Outlet Glacier Velocities Science 336 (6081) 576-578, doi: 10.1126/science.1219985
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