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What tools are compatible with the EASE Grids?

A list of featured external softwares and their compatibility with EASE-Grid and EASE-Grid 2.0 are listed in the article below.

For a complete list of EASE-Grid and EASE-Grid 2.0 tools curated by NSIDC, please read the article

Software support for EASE Grids

& Codes
(Spherical Projection)
EASE-Grid 2.0
(WGS 84 Projection)
SupportedCylindrical projection is supported. Azimuthal is not supported.
PROJ.4SupportedAzimuthal and cylindrical EASE-Grid 2.0 supported in PROJ 4.8.0 (13 March 2012). Azimuthal projection was supported in PROJ 4.7.0 (23 September 2009). Bug in PROJ 4.7.0 resulted in error of ~15 km when transforming points near equator for cylindrical EASE-Grid 2.0 data.
GDAL ToolsSupportedSupported, with correct version of PROJ.4.
EPSG CodesNorth: 3408
South: 3409
Global: 3410
North: 6931
South: 6932
Global: 6933
Note1: Use these ProjectedCRS Codes for EPSG Version 8.6 or later.
Note2: GDAL tools built with the correct version of PROJ4 will work on the EASE-Grid 2.0 projections with PROJ4 strings even if it's built with EPSG Codes earlier than 8.6.
ENVIAzimuthal supported.
T. Haran (NSIDC) has written procedure to add cylindrical equal-area to ENVI. Requires simple modifications to support header information for EASE-Grid data sets. ENVI cannot read/write user-defined projection information from/to GeoTIFF, but it can do so with its own ENVI header format.
Azimuthal supported.
Cylindrical equal-area requires user-defined projection information; simple modifications to support header information for EASE-Grid 2.0 data sets are forthcoming.

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