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NSIDC DAAC Data Subscription Requests

Data subscriptions are available for select NSIDC DAAC data collections (found below). Our subscription service automatically sends you new data as they are delivered from active NASA satellite missions. The service cannot be applied to past data already archived at NSIDC. This service is convenient if you require the latest data for a specific region, but you do not want to actively search and order data files regularly.

Subscriptions can be set up to begin one business day from the receipt of your request. Your data will be staged on an HTTPS site for you to pull, and you will receive an email notification when new data are staged and available for download. New data files can be delivered on an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly basis, depending on your preference and a limit of 2000 files per delivery. Please note that subscriptions will deliver the latest version of the data set you are interested in.

Earthdata Login: If you do not have an Earthdata Login account, you must register before submitting a subscription request. Go to Register for an Earthdata Login Profile and complete the form to register.

Customize your data subscription outputs

All subscriptions can be established based on a rectangular area of interest, delivering all data files that intersect this area. Additionally, advanced customization services including reformatting, reprojection, and subsetting are available for several data collections. The  specific customization options available for each data set are referenced on the following web pages:
NISE (advanced customization not currently available)
AMSR Unified (advanced customization not currently available)

Data delivery options

  1. HTTPS Pull: Data files are staged on NSIDC's HTTPS site for you to pull at your convenience. This option allows you to apply customization prior to the delivery of data, such as subsetting, reformatting, and reprojection. Users will have 14 days to retrieve data before files are automatically deleted.
  2. Secure Copy (SCP): Data files are securely transferred to your local server using this secure shell protocol as soon as the data files are available. Customization options are not available with this delivery method. Please be aware that this delivery option may be interrupted without notice during system maintenance.

If you select the SCP delivery option, please provide the following information:

  1. Local Host Name: Indicate the domain name or numerical IP address where the data should be sent. Example: servername.colorado.edu
  2. Local Directory: Provide the full directory path where the data will be pushed. This directory should have write permission for a successful transfer, and should already exist before you request a subscription. Also please ensure you have adequate disk space for your anticipated subscription.
  3. Local User Name: Account name to access your host. Please call our NSIDC User Services team at (+1 303-492-6199) to provide your user name and password. You can also send us this information by e-mail, but be aware that this method is less secure.

Sign up to subscribe 

If you are interested in setting up a data subscription, please send a request with the requirements indicated below to nsidc@nsidc.org. All fields are required.

  1. Data set title
  2. Rectangular area of interest in decimal degrees
  3. Customization (reformatting, reprojection, or subset) request
  4. Delivery frequency
  5. Preferred data delivery option (if none is specified, we will assume HTTPS pull)

Page last updated: October 2019