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RADARSAT-1 Satellite DocumentATBDs87.6 KB
RADARSAT-1 Standard Beam SAR ImagesATBDs201.94 KB
Radiostratigraphy and Age Structure of the Greenland Ice Sheet, Version 1 User GuideUser Guide376.89 KB
RAMP AMM-1 SAR Image Mosaic of Antarctica, Version 2 User GuideUser Guide665.58 KB
Rand Corporation Mean Monthly Global Snow Depth Version 1 User GuideUser Guide243.51 KB
Randolph Glacier Inventory, Version 7 User Guide ( Guide
Readme: NASA Cloud Absorption Radiometer (CAR) DataGeneral Resources506.73 KB
Reconstructed North American Snow Extent, 1900-1993, Version 1 User GuideUser Guide55.22 KB
Reconstructed North American, Eurasian, and Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover Extent, 1915-1997, Version 1 User GuideUser Guide166.55 KB
Reconstructing Seasonal Antarctic Sea Ice Extent during the 20th CenturyGeneral Resources1.24 MB
Recurring Spring Leads and Landfast Ice in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, 1993-2004, Version 1 User GuideUser Guide1.72 MB
Regional variability of Arctic sea ice seasonal change climate indicators from a passive microwave climate data recordGeneral Resources
Report of the 6th Session of the Steering Group for the GDSIDB and the Informal Session of the SGSIGeneral Resources146.38 KB
Retracted Data File List for ATL03/04/06/07/08/09/10/12/13, last updated 7 December 2020General Resources47.85 KB
RGI Technical Report Version 3.2General Resources1.37 MB
RGI Technical Report Version 4.0General Resources2.62 MB
RGI Technical Report Version 5.0General Resources2.8 MB
RGI Technical Report Version 6.0General Resources2.76 MB
Rock glacier inventory, Hautes Alpes Calcaires, Switzerland, Version 1 User GuideUser Guide34.67 KB
Rock glacier inventory, Printse Valley, Valais, Switzerland, Version 1 User GuideUser Guide41.48 KB