Data Announcement

Submarine Arctic Science Program (SCICEX) Science Advisory Committee Meeting Held in May

The Submarine Arctic Science Program (SCICEX) Science Advisory Committee (SAC) held their annual meeting in Arlington, VA on May 20-21, 2014. SCICEX is a collaboration between the U.S. Navy and the arctic marine research community to create a program to utilize nuclear-powered submarines for the study of the Arctic Ocean with the goal of acquiring data about the sea ice canopy, water properties, and bathymetry. Over 20 scientists and policy makers attended the meeting where topics discussed included the 2014 State of SCICEX, data collection and processing procedures, data management, recent observations, and new collection opportunities coming up in the future. A meeting summary and the presentations given can be found on the SCICEX SAC web page. Also available from the SCICEX Data Inventory web page is the archive of data collected from U.S. Navy submarines, beginning in 1993 and continuing to 2012, as well as a listing of more observations that will soon be available from 2011, 2012, and 2014. Visit the SCICEX web site to register to be alerted when new data becomes available.