Data Announcement
  • Soil moisture

New data sets released: SnowEx20 COSMOS Rover and Stationary Soil Moisture

The SnowEx20 COSMOS Rover Soil Moisture, Version 1 and SnowEx20 COSMOS Stationary Soil Moisture, Version 1 data sets, are now available at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC).

SnowEx20 COSMOS Rover Soil Moisture, Version 1 contains the raw and processed data files from a COSMOS Rover soil moisture probe. The COSMOS Rover uses fast neutron counting to estimate soil moisture over a region up to 300m from the vehicle. Data were collected in one-minute intervals over four days (04 November to 07 November 2019) of driving around Grand Mesa, Colorado. Raw data parameters include atmospheric pressure, temperature, and relative humidity. These raw observations were converted to volumetric soil moisture in the processed data files.

SnowEx20 COSMOS Stationary Soil Moisture, Version 1 contains raw and processed hourly observations from a Hydroinnova COSMOS Stationary sensor probe. Parameters in the raw files include atmospheric pressure, temperature, and relative humidity. These observations were converted to volumetric soil moisture in the processed data files. Data were collected between 26 August 2019 and 31 May 2020 at Grand Mesa, Colorado and represent a 200 m to 300 m area around the instrument.

SnowEx20 COSMOS Rover Soil Moisture, Version 1 Data set DOI:

SnowEx20 COSMOS Stationary Soil Moisture, Version 1 Data set DOI: