Data Announcement

New data sets released: Multiple High Mountain Asia Regional Climate Model Simulations at NSIDC DAAC

Multiple High Mountain Asia Regional Climate Model Simulations data sets are now available at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). These data sets contain modeled data in the High Mountain Asia region, generated by the Coupled-Ocean-Atmosphere-Waves-Sediment Transport (COAWST) modeling system in 1-hour, 6-hour, daily, and monthly snapshots.

The NSIDC DAAC provides access to documentation and these data sets from the following locations:

High Mountain Asia COAWST Hourly 4km Regional Climate Model Simulations, Version 1 Data set DOI:

High Mountain Asia COAWST 6-Hourly 4km Regional Climate Model Simulations, Version 1 Data set DOI:

High Mountain Asia COAWST Daily 4km Regional Climate Model Simulations, Version 1 Data set DOI:

High Mountain Asia COAWST Monthly 4km Regional Climate Model Simulations, Version 1 Data set DOI: