Data Announcement

New data set releases: SMAPVEX19-22 Massachusetts/Millbrook Lidar Derived Digital Elevation Model, Version 1

The SMAPVEX19-22 Massachusetts Lidar Derived Digital Elevation Model, Version 1 and SMAPVEX19-22 Millbrook Lidar Derived Digital Elevation Model, Version 1 data sets, are now available at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC). These digital elevation model (DEM) data consist of ground surface elevations derived from source lidar measurements collected in April and August 2022 in the vicinity of Millbrook, NY, and Petersham, MA during the SMAPVEX19-22 campaign. These locations were chosen due to their forested land cover, as SMAPVEX19-22 aims to validate satellite-derived soil moisture estimates in forested areas. The two acquisition periods occurred to characterize differences during "leaf-off" and "leaf-on" conditions.

SMAPVEX19-22 Massachusetts Lidar Derived Digital Elevation Model, Version 1
Data set DOI:

SMAPVEX19-22 Millbrook Lidar Derived Digital Elevation Model, Version 1
Data set DOI: